I’m nearing the end of my Order of the Rod and Ring initiation journey and I’ve been thinking a lot about where I want to go next in my spiritual path. While this initiation will make me able to perform priestly duties with regard to serving the gods and maintaining their temple, I still feel like to actually take on a title of clergy or priestess, I need to be able to actually serve the pagan community. So I have decided to take a pagan clergy training class, which starts next week! It is through an organization called Greenwild Mystical Academy. If anyone reading this is interested in joining me, you can find more information here: Accepting the Call: Pagan Clergy Training. This is a general course for anyone following a pagan spiritual path who is interested in training to take on a clergy role.
I don’t know completely where this will take me yet, but I’m trusting in the Gods that this is the path that They want me to pursue right now.