Rev. Jennifer “Nya” Wilber

I am a Sumerian polytheist, specifically a devotee of the Sumerian goddess Inanna. I consider myself more a revivalist than a reconstructionist in that, while my practice is informed by what we know of the practices of the ancient Sumerians, it is also influenced by modern neo-pagan practices and my own personal interactions with the gods.
I have felt connected to Inanna since my early teens, but I didn’t get serious about my practice until after I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2022. She helped me to make it through my own “descent into the underworld” and so I decided to devote myself to Her once I made it through my treatments.
I spent most of 2023 and 2024 working through Rod and Ring: And Initiation Into a Mesopotamian Mystery Tradition by Samuel David, which is a journey of self-initiation into a modern mystery tradition informed by ancient Mesopotamian practices. I also publicly dedicated myself to Inanna for the first time during the dedication ceremony at Ishtarfest 2023. I have been a member of Circle of Inanna since 2023 as well.
As I neared the end of my Rod and Ring initiation, I realized that, while I had proven myself worthy of the gods, if I really wanted to consider myself a priestess to the pagan community, I needed to learn more about ministering to the community. I enrolled Greenwild Mystical Academy’s Pagan Clergy Course, and was initiated in November 2024. Once Greenwild got set up to offer legal ordinations, I became officially ordained in January 2025. For my ordination project, I created and performed a series of public virtual rituals reviving the ancient Kin Inanna festival in September 2024.
I was first ordained by the interfaith religious organization Universal Life Church in July of 2024 for the purpose of being able to legally perform wedding ceremonies, but I still felt the need to be officially recognized by an actual pagan organization, which is why I also sought ordination by Greenwild.
My goals as a pagan priestess and minister are to provide spiritual support to the pagan community, particularly though who worship the Sumerian pantheon, as well as to provide education about what paganism really is to the greater community. I want to help to clear up misconceptions about what paganism is and isn’t to those outside of our community as well, and to show that it is a serious and legitimate spiritual path.
I am very passionate about environmental conservation and the connection between the natural world and spirituality. I believe that nature is sacred and that humans are part of nature, not apart from it. In secular life, I currently work as an environmental educator.
Aside from my spiritual and religious activities, I also enjoy writing, crocheting, and doing improv. I live with my husband and my 3 cats.

Religious Credentials/Initiations/Etc:
Greenwild Spiritual Fellowship – Ordained January 2025
Greenwild Mystical Academy – Pagan Clergy Course – Initiated November 2024
Order of the Rod and Ring – Initiated September 2024
Universal Life Church – Ordained July 2024

Secular Education
Bachelor of Arts in English and Creative Writing – Southern New Hampshire University – 2017
Associate of Applied Science and Associate of Arts – Lorain County Community College
Mental Health First Aid (MHFA)
CPR and First Aid – American Red Cross
Child Development Associate (CDA)