Dinosauring eBook

The Dinosauring eBook is live on Kindle! I’m trying out the KDP Select program for this book. I’m not entirely clear on how it works, especially for graphic-based books, but I have nothing to lose in trying it out. What it means for readers is that Kindle Unlimited subscribers can read the eBook for free. Check it out here: Dinosauring

I have created a paperback print version, but I am obviously going to wait until I receive the proof before putting it on sale. I’m trying out Amazon KDP’s on-demand printing. The printing cost was lower than the other printer I was considering, so I will be able to sell the book at a lower price point.

I am also almost finished creating my first children’s picture book, Cat ABCs. This book will also be available as an eBook and as a paperback.

I am publishing my books under, Nybiru Studio, LLC. I started my LLC to publish my indie game Petal Quest, then never really did much with it for a few years. I’m expanding the company to publish my books as well, and any other creative projects I decide to make in the future. I also offer writing, editing, and graphic design services for self-published authors and small businesses.